Shipping Cost

All taxes and fees are borne by YESPER. Free shipping is available on all products on the YESPER official website.
Free shipping covers Canada and the United States except for the following areas:
Alaska 2. American Samoa 3. Guam 4. Hawaii 5. Marshall Islands 6. Northern Mariana Islands 7. Palau 8. Puerto Rico 9. Rhode Island 10. U.S. Virgin Islands 11. Armed Forces Americas 12. Armed Forces Europe 13. Armed Forces Pacific
Please note we are unable to deliver products to PO BOX, military or protected areas as well.

Ships Time

The product will be shipped within 2 business days after you complete your order. After shipping, the product will be delivered to you within 2-5 business days. Multi-warehouse shipping covers four cities in the U.S (NJ, CA, GA, IL). Please not that business days do not include weekends or holidays.

Shipping Restrictions

Not shipping to other countries or regions except the Canada and the U.S.

In the event that your order arrives damaged in any way, please email us as soon as possible at with your order number and a photo of the item’s condition.